import {MatSortModule} from '@angular/material/sort';
To modify the labels and text displayed, create a new instance of MatSortHeaderIntl and include it in a custom provider.
Name | Description |
| Stream that emits whenever the labels here are changed. Use this to notify components if the labels have changed after initialization. |
| ARIA label for the sorting button. |
Applies sorting behavior (click to change sort) and styles to an element, including an arrow to display the current sort direction.
Must be provided with an id and contained within a parent MatSort directive.
If used on header cells in a CdkTable, it will automatically default its id from its containing column definition.
Selector: [mat-sort-header]
Exported as: matSortHeaderName | Description |
| Sets the position of the arrow that displays when sorted. |
| Overrides the disable clear value of the containing MatSort for this MatSortable. |
| Whether the component is disabled. |
| ID of this sort header. If used within the context of a CdkColumnDef, this will default to the column's name. |
| Overrides the sort start value of the containing MatSort for this MatSortable. |
Container for MatSortables to manage the sort state and provide default sort parameters.
Selector: [matSort]
Exported as: matSortName | Description |
| The id of the most recently sorted MatSortable. |
| The sort direction of the currently active MatSortable. |
| Whether to disable the user from clearing the sort by finishing the sort direction cycle. May be overriden by the MatSortable's disable clear input. |
@Input( matSortDisabled)
| Whether the component is disabled. |
| The direction to set when an MatSortable is initially sorted. May be overriden by the MatSortable's sort start. |
| Event emitted when the user changes either the active sort or sort direction. |
| Stream that emits once during the directive/component's ngOnInit. |
| Collection of all registered sortables that this directive manages. |
deregister | |
Unregister function to be used by the contained MatSortables. Removes the MatSortable from the collection of contained MatSortables. | |
Parameters | |
sortable MatSortable |
getNextSortDirection | |
Returns the next sort direction of the active sortable, checking for potential overrides. | |
Parameters | |
sortable MatSortable | |
Returns | |
SortDirection |
register | |
Register function to be used by the contained MatSortables. Adds the MatSortable to the collection of MatSortables. | |
Parameters | |
sortable MatSortable |
sort | |
Sets the active sort id and determines the new sort direction. | |
Parameters | |
sortable MatSortable |
Interface for a directive that holds sorting state consumed by MatSortHeader
Name | Description |
| Whether to disable clearing the sorting state. |
| The id of the column being sorted. |
| Starting sort direction. |
The current sort state.
Name | Description |
| The id of the column being sorted. |
| The sort direction. |
Type: 'asc' | 'desc' | ''