
Overview for ripple

Connect user input to screen reactions by using ripples to both indicate the point of touch, and to confirm that touch input was received. For touch or mouse, this occurs at the point of contact.

The matRipple attribute directive defines an area in which a ripple animates on user interaction.

<div matRipple [matRippleColor]="myColor">

By default, a ripple is activated when the host element of the matRipple directive receives mouse or touch events. Upon being pressed, a ripple will begin fading in from the point of contact, radiating to cover the host element. Each ripple will fade out only upon release of the mouse or touch.

Ripples can also be triggered programmatically by getting a reference to the MatRipple directive and calling its launch method.

By default ripples will fade in on interaction with the directive's host element. In some situations, developers may want to show ripples on interaction with some other element, but still want to have the ripples placed in another location. This can be done by specifying the matRippleTrigger option that expects a reference to an HTMLElement.

  <div matRipple [matRippleTrigger]="trigger" class="my-ripple-container">
    <!-- This is the ripple container, but not the trigger element for ripples. -->

  <div #trigger></div>

Ripples can be shown programmatically by getting a reference to the MatRipple directive.

class MyComponent {

  /** Reference to the directive instance of the ripple. */
  @ViewChild(MatRipple) ripple: MatRipple;

  /** Shows a centered and persistent ripple. */
  launchRipple() {
    const rippleRef = this.ripple.launch({
      persistent: true,
      centered: true

    // Fade out the ripple later.

In the example above, no specific coordinates have been passed, because the centered ripple option has been set to true and the coordinates would not matter.

Ripples that are being dispatched programmatically can be launched with the persistent option. This means that the ripples will not fade out automatically, and need to be faded out using the RippleRef (useful for focus indicators).

In case, developers want to launch ripples at specific coordinates within the element, the launch() method also accepts x and y coordinates as parameters. Those coordinates are relative to the ripple container element.

const rippleRef = this.ripple.launch(10, 10, {persistent: true});

Developers are able to specify options for all ripples inside of their application.

The speed of the ripples can be adjusted and the ripples can be disabled globally as well.

Global ripple options can be specified by setting the MAT_RIPPLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS provider.

const globalRippleConfig: RippleGlobalOptions = {
  disabled: true,
  animation: {
    enterDuration: 300,
    exitDuration: 0

  providers: [
    {provide: MAT_RIPPLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS, useValue: globalRippleConfig} 

All available global options can be seen in the RippleGlobalOptions interface.

The animation of ripples can be disabled by using the animation global option. If the enterDuration and exitDuration is being set to 0, ripples will just appear without any animation.

This is specifically useful in combination with the disabled global option, because globally disabling ripples won't affect the focus indicator ripples. If someone still wants to disable those ripples for performance reasons, the duration can be set to 0, to remove the ripple feel.

const globalRippleConfig: RippleGlobalOptions = {
  disabled: true,
  animation: {
    enterDuration: 0,
    exitDuration: 0

Note: Ripples will also have no animation if the NoopAnimationsModule is being used. This also means that the durations in the animation configuration won't be taken into account.

There are two different animation behaviors for the fade-out of ripples shown in the Material Design specifications.

By default, all ripples will start fading out if the mouse or touch is released and the enter animation completed. The second possible behavior, which is also shown in the specifications, is that ripples start to fade out immediately on mouse or touch release.

In some scenarios, developers might prefer that behavior over the default and would like to have the same for Angular Material. This behavior can be activated by specifying the terminateOnPointerUp global ripple option.

const globalRippleConfig: RippleGlobalOptions = {
  terminateOnPointerUp: true