
API for checkbox

API reference for Angular Material checkbox

import {MatCheckboxModule} from '@angular/material/checkbox';

A material design checkbox component. Supports all of the functionality of an HTML5 checkbox, and exposes a similar API. A MatCheckbox can be either checked, unchecked, indeterminate, or disabled. Note that all additional accessibility attributes are taken care of by the component, so there is no need to provide them yourself. However, if you want to omit a label and still have the checkbox be accessible, you may supply an [aria-label] input. See:

Selector: mat-checkbox

Exported as: matCheckbox

ariaLabel: string

Attached to the aria-label attribute of the host element. In most cases, arial-labelledby will take precedence so this may be omitted.


ariaLabelledby: string | null

Users can specify the aria-labelledby attribute which will be forwarded to the input element


checked: boolean

Whether the checkbox is checked.


color: ThemePalette

Theme color palette for the component.


disableRipple: boolean

Whether ripples are disabled.


disabled: any

Whether the checkbox is disabled. This fully overrides the implementation provided by mixinDisabled, but the mixin is still required because mixinTabIndex requires it.


id: string

A unique id for the checkbox input. If none is supplied, it will be auto-generated.


indeterminate: boolean

Whether the checkbox is indeterminate. This is also known as "mixed" mode and can be used to represent a checkbox with three states, e.g. a checkbox that represents a nested list of checkable items. Note that whenever checkbox is manually clicked, indeterminate is immediately set to false.


labelPosition: 'before' | 'after'

Whether the label should appear after or before the checkbox. Defaults to 'after'


name: string | null

Name value will be applied to the input element if present


required: boolean

Whether the checkbox is required.


value: string

The value attribute of the native input element


change: EventEmitter<MatCheckboxChange>

Event emitted when the checkbox's checked value changes.


indeterminateChange: EventEmitter<boolean>

Event emitted when the checkbox's indeterminate value changes.

inputId: string

Returns the unique id for the visual hidden input.

ripple: MatRipple

Reference to the ripple instance of the checkbox.


Focuses the checkbox.


Toggles the checked state of the checkbox.

Validator for Material checkbox's required attribute in template-driven checkbox. Current CheckboxRequiredValidator only work with input type=checkbox and does not work with mat-checkbox.

Selector: mat-checkbox[required][formControlName] mat-checkbox[required][formControl] mat-checkbox[required][ngModel]

Change event object emitted by MatCheckbox.


checked: boolean

The new checked value of the checkbox.

source: MatCheckbox

The source MatCheckbox of the event.

Checkbox click action when user click on input element. noop: Do not toggle checked or indeterminate. check: Only toggle checked status, ignore indeterminate. check-indeterminate: Toggle checked status, set indeterminate to false. Default behavior. undefined: Same as check-indeterminate.

Type: 'noop' | 'check' | 'check-indeterminate' | undefined