
Overview for portal

The portals package provides a flexible system for rendering dynamic content into an application.

A Portal is a piece of UI that can be dynamically rendered to an open slot on the page.

The "piece of UI" can be either a Component or a TemplateRef and the "open slot" is a PortalOutlet.

Portals and PortalOutlets are low-level building blocks that other concepts, such as overlays, are built upon.

attach(PortalOutlet): TAttaches the portal to a host.
detach(): voidDetaches the portal from its host.
isAttached: booleanWhether the portal is attached.
attach(Portal): anyAttaches a portal to the host.
detach(): anyDetaches the portal from the host.
dispose(): voidPermanently dispose the host.
hasAttached: booleanWhether a portal is attached to the host.

Used to get a portal from an <ng-template>. CdkPortal is a Portal.


<ng-template cdkPortal>
  <p>The content of this template is captured by the portal.</p>

<!-- OR -->

<!-- This result here is identical to the syntax above -->
<p *cdkPortal>
  The content of this template is captured by the portal.

A component can use @ViewChild or @ViewChildren to get a reference to a CdkPortal.


Used to create a portal from a component type. When a component is dynamically created using portals, it must be included in the entryComponents of its NgModule.


this.userSettingsPortal = new ComponentPortal(UserSettingsComponent);

Used to add a portal outlet to a template. CdkPortalOutlet is a PortalOutlet.


<!-- Attaches the `userSettingsPortal` from the previous example. -->
<ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]="userSettingsPortal"></ng-template>